Neue Veröffentlichung Journal Leukemia und Lymphoma

Neue Veröffentlichung unter Mitwirken von Prof. Nückel

Eine neue Publikation unter Mitwirkung von Herrn Prof. Nückel wurde im März in dem international bekannten Journal Leukemia und Lymphoma veröffentlicht.

Titel: Shorter telomeres correlate with an increase in the number of uniparental disomies in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Abstract: This study investigated the correlation of the extent of chromosomal aberrations including uniparental disomies (UPDs) by SNP-chip analysis and FISH to telomere length in 46 patients with CLL. CLL harboring high risk aberrations, i.e. leulymphdeletions of 11q22-23 or 17p13, had significantly shorter telomeres (higher ΔTL) compared to patients with CLL without such abnormalities. Patients with high chromosomal aberration rates had a worse overall survival compared to cases with lower aberration rates. Interestingly, however, an increase was found in the number of UPDs with shorter telomeres. These findings support the idea that telomeres in CLL cells play a role in the overall chromosome stability and could be involved in the occurrence of UPDs.

Leukemia and Lymphoma 2016, 57:590-5